So I have been a little M.I.A from the blogging world because a few things have happened: I got married, went to Hawaii, took a clowning class and have been working on a thirty day character challenge. I have created: acted, written, directed and edited a different comedic character everyday for the last 27 days. I have four more characters to go and it has been a thrilling ride. I wanted to embark on this project because I wanted to challenge myself to work on different genders, ages and dialects on a daily basis. If you want to check out any of these characters go to my YouTube Channel Barbie Kong:
Let me know your thoughts and ideas about the characters. It's been a great adventure and I have learned a lot about my process as an artist. I would also like to take this time to re-vamp my blog a bit and refocus my direction. As some of your know I am really into comedy and I
want to explore it more in my blog and specifically the impact that woman have had in comedy over the last few years (hello Bridesmaids). I'm still probably going to throw in the odd movie review every now and again (hello Tree of Life) but it will be primarily based on this wonderful new generation of funny ladies.
Anyway, I hope you all stick with me and help me embark on this new journey Barbie Kong 2.0
Let me know your thoughts and ideas about the characters. It's been a great adventure and I have learned a lot about my process as an artist. I would also like to take this time to re-vamp my blog a bit and refocus my direction. As some of your know I am really into comedy and I

Anyway, I hope you all stick with me and help me embark on this new journey Barbie Kong 2.0
Great new blog template! Welcome back blogging Barbie Kong!